dhawa xi'an chanba



  • 西安咸阳国际机场(XIY)

    35公里 | 40分钟 距西安咸阳国际机场仅40分钟车程
  • Xi'an North Railway Station

    15 km | 20 Mins The largest railway station in Northwest China, this transportation hub is a 20-minute drive from the hotel.
  • 兵马俑

    24 公里 | 40 分钟 兵马俑博物馆是中国规模最大的古代军事展览。1961 年,中华人民共和国国务院认定秦始皇陵为国家级文物保护单位。这一具有纪念意义的决定标志着对秦始皇墓地全面考古调查的开始。到 1962 年,技术高超的考古学家精心绘制了墓地的复杂布局图,描绘了占地 56.25 平方公里的广阔空间——面积几乎相当于 78 座宫殿。这一发现震惊了整个考古界。
  • Huaxia Cultural Tourism Park

    The hotel is near the Huaxia Cultural Tourism Park, which includes a grand theatre, an ocean park, an ancestral tribe scenic area, and other supporting facilities. About 5 minutes' walk
  • City Center

    Bell Tower, Drum Tower, Muslim Quarter Car: 17.8 kilometers, about 40 minutes Public transportation: Take a taxi to XIANGHUWAN Metro Station (Line 3) to XIANNINGLU Station, transfer to Line 6 to Bell Tower Station
  • City Center

    City Wall, Yongning Gate Car: 19.5 kilometers, about 45 minutes Public transportation: Take a taxi to XIANGHUWAN Metro Station (Line 3) to TONGHUAMEN Station, transfer to Line 1 to BEIDAJIE Station, transfer to Line 2 to Yongningmen Station
  • Shaanxi History Museum

    Shaanxi History Museum is known as "the pearl of the ancient capital, the treasure house of China", is a national first-class museum. Car: 19.4 kilometers, about 40 minutes Public transportation: Take a taxi to XIANGHUWAN Metro Station (Line 3) to XIZHAI Station, then walk about 800 meters
  • Big Wild Goose Pagoda

    Big Wild Goose Pagoda, Tang Paradise, Great Tang Pedestrian Mall Car: 20 kilometers, about 40 minutes Public transportation: Take a taxi to XIANGHUWAN Metro Station (Line 3) to DAYANTA Station
  • Mount Hua

    Mount Hua, the western mountain, is one of the five mountains in China. Since ancient times, there has been a saying of "the first mountain in the world". Car: 116.4 kilometers, about 1 hour and 20 minutes Public transportation: Take a taxi to AOTIZHONGXIN Station (Line 14) to XIAN BEIZHAN, transfer to a high-speed train to Mount Hua North,.
